A digital workplace for management and development in kindergartens and schools

Cooperation, knowledge sharing and pedagogical growth

More information for day-care centre directors and head teachers

Do you know what your staff would like to develop? Engage your employees in a whole new way!

More information for teachers

You have a wealth of knowledge about your own and the workplace’s development needs. With the help of the guideline, development measures will not be forgotten.

More information for procurement officers

How do you monitor that resources are directed to the right places? Are you getting enough information about the results?

Continuous improvement model

Suuntia represents a new model of continuous development, where development is a way of life and part of a more rewarding everyday life.

Suuntia is an easy-to-use digital working environment to support management and development in the day-to-day life of kindergartens and schools. It provides a ready, clear structure for the continuous development of the work community and the development of staff skills.

The service provides straightforward tools to more effectively harness the potential for collaboration between teaching staff. At the same time, it brings digitalisation to a whole new level of management and collaboration between nursery and school staff.

It offers concrete benefits to all its users; kindergarten directors, head teachers, teachers and education providers.

Development map

The development map is a curriculum-based tool for reflecting and prioritising areas for development. The idea is to identify the most important development goals of the school at the moment and describe a critical path to achieve them.

Development Plan

The development plan is an open workspace for all, where the selected development priorities are translated into concrete actions and shared responsibilities. It is easy for everyone to follow and comment in real time on the implementation of the development.

Target and development discussions

Self-evaluation is based on the school’s common goals and on the discovery and development of your own skills. In a development discussion with your supervisor, you define your own development goals.

Development plan

The self-evaluation and the development discussion form the basis of the personal development plan of the teacher and the school assistant. It includes the objectives of personal competence development in relation to the development objectives of the school and the work community, as well as the documentation of training needs.


The service provides useful statistical data on school development priorities and staff skills development needs. The statistics help both individual schools to plan and implement their own improvement. For education, the statistics provide valuable information on, for example, the use of curricula in schools and precise information on skills needs to support education planning.


For schools, documenting development in the system brings a new kind of continuity and systematicity to school development work and staff competence development. When information on current and completed projects and staff history is documented in the system, it is always easy to return to it, for example. when there is a change of manager in the organisation.

Management and development

Organisational development is a form of sustainability. Above all, it requires a commitment from management and supervisors to an ongoing and systematic approach. The guidelines are designed to help ensure a smooth start to development and to keep the development wheel in constant motion.

The manager - a new culture of leadership

Above all, it is a daily tool for day-to-day management and organisational development. It is easy to use and does not require a separate project to implement, but is immediately available to staff.

Implementing the early childhood education and care plan or curriculum

Content based on the early childhood education plan or curriculum, together with a ready-made structure for development, helps to implement the plans as part of the daily life of the school. Teaching staff are involved in the development process from the start.

Shared leadership, participation

The work community implementation plan makes it easy to allocate responsibilities to teachers, teams and working groups. The implementation plan is a workspace open to all, where progress on development sites can be monitored and commented on in real time.

Staff development

For development discussions, the service has a self-assessment path for employees, which forms the basis of a personal development plan for each employee. Common development objectives are an essential part of the assessment of staff competence development.

Teacher - make a difference in your own work

Staff are involved from the start in influencing the common direction of the organisation, which brings transparency to development and promotes teamwork in the work community.

Influencing the direction of organisational development

The idea behind the guideline is that everyone can contribute to the formation of a common vision of the objectives of workplace development and the measures required to achieve them.

Participation and knowledge sharing

A joint implementation plan provides an effective platform for joint action and knowledge sharing within the work community. It brings transparency and interaction on ongoing areas of development.

My development

The steps taken and goals set for your own development are documented in your user interface, making it easier to monitor your own development path.

Procurement officer

The Suuntia online service is a digital working environment for the development of kindergartens and schools, as well as for the pedagogical development and management of teaching staff. An early childhood education or curriculum-based service provides the tools and a ready-made model for continuous school development.

Leading with knowledge

Trends automatically generates statistical data on the priorities for the development of day-care centres and schools, as well as up-to-date information on the use of early childhood education and curricula in the units.

Data to support resourcing

Knowing the needs of teaching staff in terms of competence development will facilitate resource planning.

Making use of peer-to-peer knowledge

The pooling of information and experience from development projects in nurseries and schools will facilitate the sharing of knowledge between different services.

Contact us

Our Team

Matti Hakala

Managing Director, Partner
050 564 8135

Toni Koskinen


Jani Järvinen

Technical Expert, Partner

Valto Moisio

Software Engineer

Aleksi Toivonen

Information Security Specialist

Suuntia for business

Suuntia online tool is also a strategy tool for businesses. Prioritising areas for improvement allows resources to be directed to the right projects, which usually means big savings and better results. With the guideline, the whole staff is committed to the plans, as everyone is kept up to date with where we are going.

From planning and implementation to monitoring, the whole process is under control, with easy access from one place.

Opettajat ja koulunkäyntiavustajat tekevät omassa käyttöliittymässään Kehityskartan, jossa kukin voi antaa oman näkemyksensä koulun ajankohtaisista kehittämisen tarpeista.

Rehtori voi tarkastella opetushenkilökunnan vastauksia omassa tilastonäkymässä. Tilastot auttavat yhteisen näkemyksen muodostamista koulun suunnasta.

Koulun kehityssuunnitelman avulla rehtorin on helppo jakaa vastuita opettajille, tiimeille ja työryhmille. Kehityskohteet voi jakaa lyhyempiin tehtäviin, kuten eri mittaisiin kokeiluihin.

Kehityssuunnitelma on yhteinen työtila, joka on kaikkien nähtävissä ja kommentoitavissa reaaliaikaisesti. Se on myös selkeä työväline opetushenkilöstön yhteisissä kokouksissa.

Opettajien ja koulunkäyntiavustajien tekemän itsearvioinnin tilastot auttavat rehtoria muodostamaan kokonaiskuvan henkilöstön osaamisen vahvuuksista sekä osaamisen kehittämisen tarpeista.

Opettajien ja koulunkäyntiavustajien tekemät itsearvioinnit toimivat pohjana kehityskeskusteluille, joissa yhdessä määritellään tavoitteet henkilöstön ja työyhteisön osaamisen kehittämiselle.

Kehityskartan avulla kaikki pääsevät kartoittamaan tärkeitä tämän hetken kehittämisen tarpeita omassa koulussaan. Kehityskartta auttaa määrittelemään ja priorisoimaan kehittämisen tavoitteet sekä keinot niihin pääsemiseksi.

Opettajien ja koulunkäyntiavustajien vastauksista muodostuu tilastodataa, jonka avulla rehtori yhdessä johtoryhmän kanssa pystyy muodostamaan yhteisen näkemyksen koulun kehittämisen suunnasta.

Kehityssuunnitelma on kaikille avoin työtila, jossa yhteistä koulun kehittämistä on helppo toteuttaa ja hallinnoida. Vastuuhenkilöt tai -tiimit vastaavat kehityskohteiden edistymisen päivittämisestä ja muut käyttäjät voivat jakaa tietoa ja kommentteja kehityskohteeseen liittyen.

Oman itsearviointipolun tekeminen antaa hyvän perustan esimiehen kanssa käytäville kehityskeskusteluille. Itsearviointi ja kehityskeskustelu yhdessä toimivat pohjana henkilökohtaiselle kehittymissuunnitelmalle.

Koulujen kehittämisen painopisteitä voi seurata koulu- alue- ja kuntatasolla. Tilastot antavat reaaliaikaista tietoa opetustoimelle mm. siitä mihin opetussuunnitelman osa-alueisiin kouluissa juuri kyseisellä hetkellä keskitytään.

Suuntian koulu- alue- ja kuntakohtaiset tilastot antavat arvokasta tietoa opetushenkilöiden osaamisen vahvuuksista sekä osaamisen kehittämisen tarpeista. Nämä tiedot ohjaavat koulutus- ja resurssisuunnittelua tehokkaampaan suuntaan.

Kehittämisen painopisteet vaihtelevat koulujen välillä, joten niistä kertyvä dokumentaatio antaa opetustoimelle uusia mahdollisuuksia jakaa vertaistietoa ja osaamista koulujen välillä.